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My name is Tamara S. Kramer and I’m a founder and creative director of nuMe brand. I’m entrepreneur, life coach and personal fitness trainer whos moto in life is “By lifting others you lift yourself!” But first of all I’m a woman who through the years of experience in pharma and fitness industry found her calling in helping other women make long-lasting life transformations.
My life was far from easy and I was raised in an entrepreneurial family which means that from early age I learned that if you want to succed in life, no matter what you are doing, you need to work hard and persist at your goal, your vision. And that giving up was not an option! And in order to get where I am today; happy, confident, fullfilled, at peace with my self and doing what I love I needed to go through several ups and downs in business and personal life. I was early on faced with all the bad sides of the business or to say bad sides of people who made decisions from the position of power and that just made me stronger as an entrepreneur to create a company whose mission is to transform people’s lives and also recrute people that are passionate about fulfilling our mission and purpose as well as making a small difference in a world.
But I’m a firm beliver that in life there are no coincidences and that everything happens for a reason and with the energy that we are steering. Positive or negative. And also there is a reason why now in this exact moment you are reading this nuMe Body Guide. Because you’ve decided NOW, is your time. Your time to put yourself first again and you are ready to work on yourself. You have enough of the methods that don’t work and you want a long lasting results through the plan which will help you change your life habits.
However, it takes time to change bad habits the right way. Even though you know what it takes to change your lifestyle, it’s just not easy to turn knowledge into action. But it’s much easier with someone who understands you and knows what you need and what are you going through as a woman.
I understand your struggle, I understand how it feels when you don’t have strenght in the morning to get out of bed and dress for work because everything in your wardrobe is to tight or you just can’t find in the stores decent nice clothes in your size. I understand when you don’t feel good in your body and you just want to hide. I understand when you start shutting yourself out from your friends, partner, people around you. I understand when you say you are carrying all the burthen of the world on your shoulders or you just can’t find a decent job because everybody is judging you by your looks. When every day seems darker than the other and you don’t know how to climb back out again or when the relationship between your partner just ain’t the same anymore and you just want to be desired again.
STOP! And allow me to help you climb back again, putting yourself first again and creating the best version of yourself! Allow me to help you make a Nu Start today!
Through my years of experience working with my female clients I got to the conclucion that the main motivational factor that women have for loosing weight is that they want to feel good in their bodies, want to be happy, healthy and feel confident (again). And that main cause of women for gaining weight is emotional eating. Gaining weight is only consequence and the true cause are emotions. And even dough that the number on the scale or BMI is just a number it takes a long journey for them to understand that this number is not the reflection of their health, hapiness and feel good. But the reflection in the mirror and how they feel inside is. And the best feeling in the world is when you know you help someone who’s prepared to work on them selves, confront their fears and do what it takes towards a happier, healthier and fullfiled life, where they again put themselves first. And this is achieved only by complete change of lifestyle: nutrition, physical and especialy mental change of changing their paradigms.
Several years later I pride myself on helping thousands of women achieve amazing, life-changing results. One of the ways to obtain efective weight loss and changed eating habits is to give it a jump start with a very low-calorie nutrition such as nuMe Slim Shakes, Slim Soups and Slim Bars with Collagen and Slim Boost with Glucomannan for those sweet cravings. It has been proven to work, and if you use it consistently the results will come, even to those who are less patient. Together with amazing nuMe Workout, Coaching Plan and Motivation Plan, long lasting change of lifestyle is guaranted!
And my moto is not 80% nutrition, 20% workout, BUT 50% mental workout, 40% nutrition, 10% physical workout.
I will get you there! With nuMe 360° concept prepare for life-changing results. So Start a Nu You Today!
nuMe 360° concept is all about long-term change of your lifestyle. Which means that nutrition and changing your eating habits is not the only aspect you need to touch. Long-term change of lifestyle consists of several areas you need to work on. Our experience showed us that 50% is your mental and psychological aspect, which goes deep in your past behavioural patterns and habits. And if you are able to change those you are half way to your long-term goal. 40% contribute healthy eating habits, which means that you are not here for a short run but a long run. That’s why we don’t want you to think of nuMe nutrition plan as a diet but a lifestyle, which helps you adopt a habit of eating 6 small portions a day. Physical activity is last 10% which contributes to your feel good mode, sculpting and shaping your body and critical areas you want to target and improve muscular and cardio respiratory fitness, improve bone and functional health, reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast and colon cancer and depression.
Besides nuMe Nutrition, part of nuMe 360° concept is also nuMe Body Guide [NBG] which covers 3 very important components:
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