Start a Nu You 15% OFF with a promo code NUYOU. FREE shipping on orders over 100 €

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Would you like to know all you can get through a COST-FREE sign-up to the nuMe community?

Let me name a few of the main reasons:

  • You will get access to the entire online NBG Plan, which you receive as a gift at buying any of the nuMe slim packs; this will help you make the first steps to a complete makeover and the birth of a NU YOU.

  • Buying nuMe products will reward you with loyalty points (1 point = 0,03 €), which will get transformed into credit on your account (in euro) and you will be able to use while shopping next time to make substantial savings.

  • By sharing the experience to your friends, you will gain loyalty points also when a friend of yours makes a purchase (1 point = 0,03 €), which will be transformed into credit on your account (in euro) and you will be able to use when shopping next time to make substantial savings.

  • You willl also gain loyalty points for sharing your opinion and success story (1 point = 0,03 €), which will also be transformed into credit on your account (in euro) and you will be able to use when shopping next time to make substantial savings.

  • You will be the first to know about the special offers, available that instant for you to buy in the online shop.

  • You will receive useful tips for a healthy and pleased lifestyle.

  • Each month a special prize will be rewarded to the person owning the greatest number of collected points.

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